about About KAKENHI

Basic Information

Outline of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research <KAKENHI>

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research are competitive funds that are intended to significantly develop all scientific research (research based on the free ideas of the researcher), from basic to applied research in all fields, ranging from the humanities and the social sciences to the natural sciences. The grants provide financial support for creative and pioneering research projects that will become the foundation of social development. The research projects are selected using a peer-review screening process (screening by multiple researchers whose field of specialization is close to that of the applicant).
Research results obtained under these Grants-in-Aid are widely published in academic journals.
From FY1999, some functions of the Grants-in-Aid program were transferred to JSPS from Monbusho (now Monbu Kagakusho [Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)]).
(source: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-grants/index.html

The Placement of KAKENHI in the Policy on the Promotion of Science, Technology and Scientific Research in Japan

Who can apply for KAKENHI

Researchers who belong to universities and other schools. Additionally those belonging to research institutions designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) may apply for KAKENHI.

Types of Grants Programs (Main Programs)

Research categories Purposes and description of each research category
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Creative/pioneering research conducted by one or a relatively small number of researchers (The period is five years. The budget ranges from 50 to 200 million yen per project.)
Creative/pioneering research conducted by one researcher or jointly by multiple researchers (The period is three to five years.)

(A) 3 to 5 years 20 million to 50 million yen
(B) 3 to 5 years 5 million to 20 million yen
(C) 3 to 5 years 5 million yen or less
*Classification of (A)/(B)/(C) is according to the budget range.

Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research
(Pioneering/ Exploratory)
(Pioneering) (Exploratory)
Research conducted by a single or multiple researchers that aims at radically transforming the existing research framework and/or changing the research direction and has a potential of rapid development.
The scope of the (Exploratory) category encompasses research proposals that are highly exploratory and/or are in their budding stages.
The research period and total budget range are as follows;
(Pioneering) 3 to 6 years 5 million to 20 million yen
(Exploratory) 2 to 3 years 5 million yen or less
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists Research conducted by an individual researcher (*) who is less than 8 years after Ph.D. acquisition.
(*)Individuals who are in the prospect of acquiring Ph.D. are also eligible. When counting the years after Ph.D. acquisition, the period of maternity leave and childcare leave can be excluded.
(The period is 2 to 4 years. The budget is up to 5 million yen per project.)
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up Researh conducted by a single researcher who has been freshly appointed to a research position, or who has returned from his/her maternity, childcare or other kinds of leave.
(The period is up to two years. The budget is up to 1.5 million per fiscal year.)

For the information of other programs: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-grants/grants01.html

Application Procedure

Applications for Kakenhi grant is collected by the department of your affiliation and then submitted to JSPS. If you consider applying, contact the person in charge at your department.

Outline of the Electronic Application Procedures


Adapted from: http://www-shinsei.jsps.go.jp/kaken/topkakenhi/shinsei_ka_kobo.html (in Japanese)

Schedule for Applying to FY2024 KAKENHI

Deadlines for each category have been fluid in recent years. Check out the up-to-date opening dates for applications on our KAKENHI poster below. Be sure to learn of internal deadlines for your department and submit your proposal ahead of time.

Note: Schedule in ( ) is from the previous year.

Research categories Start of Call for Proposals Deadline for Submission of Applications Timing of Notice of Review Results Provisional grant decision
Specially Promoted Research April 13, 2023
(Jul., 1, 2022)
June 19, 2023
(Sep. 5, 2022)
Early January, 2024
(Mar. 16, 2023)
Early April, 2024
(Early Apr., 2023)
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A・B) Apr. 13, 2023
(May 23, 2022)
Jun. 19, 2023
(Jul. 19, 2022)
Late Feb., 2024
(Feb. 28, 2023)
Early Apr., 2024
(Early Apr. 2023)
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)
(Publicly Offered Research)
Jul. 14, 2023日
(Aug. 1, 2022)
Sep. 19, 2023
(Oct. 5, 2022)
Late Feb., 2024
(Feb. 28, 2023)
Early Apr., 2024
(Early Apr. 2023)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Apr. 13, 2023
(Jul. 1, 2022)
Jun. 19, 2023
(Sep. 5, 2022)
Mid Feb., 2024
(Mid Apr. 2023)
Early Apr., 2024
(Mid Apr., 2023)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A・B・C),
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists,
Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Scientists
Jul. 14, 2023
(Aug. 1, 2022)
(Note: Jul. 1, 2022 for Scientific Research (A))
Sep. 19, 2023
(Oct. 5, 2022)
(Note: Sep. 5, 2022 for Scientific Research (A))
Late Feb., 2024
(Feb. 28, 2023)
Early Apr., 2024
(Early Apr. 2023)
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering・Exploratory) Jul. 14, 2023
(Aug. 1, 2022)
Sep. 19, 2023
(Oct. 5, 2022)
Late Jun., 2024
(Late Jun., 2023)
Late Jun., 2024
(Late Jun., 2023)
Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results Jul. 14, 2023
(Aug. 1, 2022)
Sep. 19, 2023
(Oct. 5, 2022)
Late Jun., 2024
(Late Mar., 2023)
Early Apr., 2024
(Early Apr. 2023)


For Detailed Information on Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI):